“Zylie Jane Perry”

Feb 28th

1:00am – I woke to my waters breaking.
I reminded myself that I would need some rest for what was ahead so headed back to bed to try and get some further sleep.
Within five minutes contractions began and were quite strong with only five minutes between them.  From here I decided to shower whilst my partner set up the lounge room with our candles and music ready for me to begin my hypnobirthing journey.

We spent a few hours breathing, meditating and using Light touch massage before bleeding began which we knew meant we would need to go into hospital.  My contractions began to increase and were 3 minutes apart.

Arriving at hospital at 4:30am we were taken straight into the birthing suite where I was examined to be 8cm dialated.

There were concerns for my blood loss so I was unable to enter the pool as planned. I remained calm positive and continued to breathe deeply as each wave increased.

I continued to push back on requests for monitoring and was given an MGP midwife where I was allowed to continue with my deep breathing awaiting the arrival of our surprise package.

 Using gas towards the end of labour to encourage deeper breathing, I was able to push our baby girl into this world with excitement.  With a short cord, we began skin to skin on my tummy to allow for delayed cord clamping.

Our baby girl had plenty of time for skin to skin with both myself and Daddy.

 28th February – 12:06pm Zyli Jane Perry was born into this world and we couldn’t be any happier and more in love.

Thank you Steph for your knowledge and empowerment to allow us to have a positive birth experience for our first born.  We know this certainly would not have happened without the knowledge we have gained.

Shared with permission – Thank you so much Britt and Dylan ❤️
