Rory Lee Bartlett 

9:32pm | 52cm | 3.45kg

I can not thank you enough for all of the information that you gave us in your class, although we didn’t use all of it it certainly did help prepare both Kurt and I for labour.

On 5 July – I had been feeling period pain like cramping during the day but nothing regular

6 July – cramping continued and gradually got more consistent during the day until my waters broke at 5pm. 

Once they broke contractions intensified quite quickly, used the tens machine to assist, I found that being on all fours or standing bending over the bed was the most comfortable position for me.

My midwife was happy for me to stay at home for a while but contractions were getting closer together and once she heard me go through a contraction (I was groaning like a wild animal  but able to talk inbetween) we made the decision to head into the hospital.

I Found it super uncomfortable sitting in the car as I was getting a lot of pressure when the contractions would kick in.

Once we got to the hospital at 9pm I was examined and was 10cm, I had a few puffs of gas and then hoped in the pool. And let my body to the rest. Little one was boring 30min later.

When her he’s came out she opened her eyes and was looking around everywhere, turned her head and wriggled her whole body which was such an odd feeling! 

The birthing photographer, Victoria Jayne a RAN from the carpark into the room to get the most amazing pictures that we have seen so far.

Thank you again for your knowledge 😍

Lana and Kurt

Shared with permission – Thank you so much Lana & Kurt ❤️
