Lana and Kurt’s Positive Water Birth

Lana and Kurt’s Positive Water Birth

Rory Lee Bartlett  9:32pm | 52cm | 3.45kg I can not thank you enough for all of the information that you gave us in your class, although we didn’t use all of it it certainly did help prepare both Kurt and I for labour. On 5 July – I had been feeling period pain...
Natalie & Robert’s Positive VBAC!

Natalie & Robert’s Positive VBAC!

I’m currently fully elated, having had an amazing completely active  physiological birth just using a tens machine and birth comb.  It wasn’t without difficulty as we had a mild shoulder distocia at the end which took a while to identify, and finish with...
Kate & Jonny’s Positive Caesarean Birth!

Kate & Jonny’s Positive Caesarean Birth!

“Theodore Barry” At 32 weeks pregnant I completed my Hypnobirthing course with Steph. We found the course incredibly informative, with the perfect balance of how to hypnobirth within the medical system, which all of the participants like myself had planned...
Britt & Dylan’s Positive Birth Story

Britt & Dylan’s Positive Birth Story

“Zylie Jane Perry” Feb 28th 1:00am – I woke to my waters breaking.I reminded myself that I would need some rest for what was ahead so headed back to bed to try and get some further sleep.Within five minutes contractions began and were quite strong...
Emily & Mitch’s Positive Water Birth!

Emily & Mitch’s Positive Water Birth!

It was our due date- the one day statistically speaking that I was very unlikely to go into labour. But, at 12:05am on that morning, I experienced my first surge! I was in disbelief that this was really “it” (in fact, I laughed!). A little sceptical, I went back to...
Chantel & Heath’s Positive Water Birth!

Chantel & Heath’s Positive Water Birth!

It was a Saturday and I was six days overdue. The phone calls and text messages were rolling in with friends and family ‘just checking in’. Meanwhile, I was waiting patiently, excitedly and with still so many uncertainties of what my journey was going to involve. I...