I’m currently fully elated, having had an amazing completely active  physiological birth just using a tens machine and birth comb. 

It wasn’t without difficulty as we had a mild shoulder distocia at the end which took a while to identify, and finish with the manoeuvre that released him from my pelvis once his head was finally born. He weighed 4.1kg and went into spont birth at 40.5. 

On Sunday night I did some OMP reversal techniques because the night before I woke to mild surges every 20 minutes and then fizzled at sunrise. 

 So Sunday night, did 15 minutes of forward leaning, followed by standard OMP, but focused on 5 minutes of pelvic floor relaxer and sifting. Within a few hours I had a bloody show and then waters released, and birth began immediately. Throughout the birth I listened to my body and used most of the OMP active positions through or in between surges when it slowed down, and just listened to the natural rhythm of my body.

I didn’t find birth to be at all painful or as intense as I imagined and I reckon the birth preparedness, OMP/body balancing had everything to do with this. By the time I got to the birth centre I was just beginning to bear down so I felt everything was timed perfectly because it gave me extra time to work through an extra two hours which was needed for him to be born without further intervention, instruments or doctors entering the room. But it did take immense determination to mentally keep working through each push. 

 It was amazing! 

I’m glad we had doula who was OMP in tune and worked to stay home. It was a longer birth than what I imagined would be (from 1:30am to 8:50 that night). We ran a marathon. His heart was fully stable though out and I think it’s because I felt so calm, confident and strong going into it. I didn’t lose hold of my breath at all. Our birthing bodies are amazing! 

I wanna do it again 🥰😊haha! 

 I still can’t believe we achieved this VBAC 💕🙏🙏🙏 

Thank you so much for your amazing help and coaching and time! Im truly blessed by the people like you who contributed my mindset and gave me the tools, information and support. Without which I wouldn’t have gone in feeling so sure my body and babies ability to get through any obstacle birth could bring. 

I named him Tommy.  

Shared with permission – Thank you so much Natalie & Robert ❤️




